How did you start playing Bridge?


We all enjoy our regular game of Bridge. The fun, the camaraderie, the excitement when you get a really good hand, when a finesse works (no me either), just the enjoyment of being with all the other members.

Have you thought about asking a friend or two to come along to learn to play? Think back? How do you first get interested in our great game? Was it a friend? In my case it sure was and I can’t thank him enough. You could be such a friend.

Next Lessons in April

From Wednesday 12th April @ 10am, six weekly lessons will be followed by supervised bridge games. Your friend will be helped with all aspects of bridge until they are ready to play in our regular games.The cost is $60 for six weeks of lessons and practice sessions. Ring now to register or inquire about our six daily session times. Meet new friends and keep your brain active.

The Classes will be conducted by our ace teacher Christine. In the meantime, while she is cruising the wide blue yonder

phone Sue:   0411716944

for all the good oil.