Recorder & Complaints Policy

Recorder (or ombudsman)

The Club Recorder in 2022 is Lorraine Lindsay .. 0409 220 761

This position exists for recording any events which occur at the club, which are seen as not being in the best interest of the Club.
In some cases the Recorder may mediate in interpersonal issues or grievances to do with behaviour.

Members should report to the Recorder, perhaps after first consulting the Director, events in the following categories:

  • Suspicion of cheating or deliberate passing of illegal information
  • Offensive behaviour
  • The occurrence of psychic bids

BWBC Complaint & Disciplinary Policy                                                14/06/2022


To be read in conjunction with the BWBC Constitution Items 10, 11 and 12

Information submitted to be kept in strict confidence.

All complaints must be lodged within 7 days and in writing using the BWBC Complaint Report and Management Form. Forms are located at the club desk or with the Recorder 

Complaint Process

The following details must be provided – (see Complaint Reporting Proforma)

·       Member’s name – the complainant

·       The name(s) of the party you are reporting

·       Names of witnesses (if relevant)

·       The date and time of the incident

·       The name of the session director

·       Description of the incident

·       Actions taken (director informed, attempted resolution?)

·       Date form created

·       Date received by recorded

·       Date matter resolved and parties informed

Recorder Investigation Process

·       Contact complainant for clarification

·       Confirm details and description of the incident

·       Discuss any actions already taken

·       Contact session director for clarification

·       Recorder to determine whether matter may be self-managed between parties or brought before the committee?

·       Contact person reported and relevant parties in confidence to investigate

·       Recorder to immediately escalate to the club President if deemed serious

·       Recorder to recommend further action and resolution steps

·       Hard copies of Complaint Report and Management Form to be kept by recorder and scanned into secure drive at BWBC

Recorder Reporting -

Recorder to provide a report to the committee every 3 months for inclusion in meeting agenda. However, serious matters may require immediate reporting to the president for urgent attention.

Recorder may employ investigation, observation and monitoring

Hard copies of Complaint Report and Management Form to be kept by recorder and also scanned as soft copy to be kept in a secure drive at BWBC

Committee Actions

Committee to determine action, resolution steps or any counselling, mediation or disciplinary actions

The committee will apply the Dispute Resolution procedures outlined as per Items 10, 11 and 12 in the BWBC Constitution.

Time frame - Investigation and notification of relevant parties to be completed within 30 days.

President/Vice-president to inform both parties of outcome and decisions confidentially – This must be documented in writing and dated to fulfill the resolution requirements and a soft copy of the completed Complaint Report and Management Form stored on the club’s secure hard drive.


The BWBC Complaint and Disciplinary Policy has been developed in conjunction with the following information taken from the ABF publication below:

“Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour – Complaint Handling and Disciplinary Procedures” 

Introduction -

“There are several steps in resolving complaints. Clubs may wish to start with self-management and, where necessary, progress through informal and formal procedures.

The first step is often complaint self-management. The person with the complaint can try to resolve the problem directly by talking with the other person involved. This should quickly resolve many lower level and ‘accidental’ issues. If self-management does not work, informal or formal procedures are necessary.

All unresolved complaints about bad behavior should be reported to a Director, the club Recorder (if the club has one) or a club administrator. It is best if the report is a written report and lists the name of the complainer and full details of the behaviour. Without full details it is difficult to ensure procedural fairness for all parties.

Disciplinary action may initially involve a simple, gentle, warning but it could also include suspension, expulsion or require the person to participate in a counselling session.”

“Once the club has adopted rules about disciplinary procedures it is entitled to apply and enforce these rules.

If your club does not have disciplinary procedures contained in its rules, it is advisable you seek legal advice about serious complaints. In addition, you are welcome to ask the ABF for advice.”


Complaint self-management

The first step is often complaint self-management. The person with the complaint can try to resolve the problem directly by talking with the other person involved. This should quickly resolve many lower level and ‘accidental’ issues. If self-management does not work, informal or formal procedures are necessary.

Informal Procedures

The emphasis here is on resolution, not substantiation. Informal procedures are appropriate when:

§ Allegations are less serious or allegations are admitted

§ Complainant prefers an informal option

§ Behaviour has been observed rather than formally reported.

Informal procedures are based on observation, counselling, mediation and education. Formal Procedures The club’s constitution and/or by-laws should contain a formal procedure for the discipline of members who breach codes of conduct.


Formal Procedures

§ A formal complaint – usually in writing

§ An investigation to determine substance ie the facts followed by a finding or a report with recommendations to the club’s management

§ Sometimes conciliation/mediation

§ An appropriate outcome.

The outcome may involve counselling, education or more formal sanctions but must be in line with the club’s constitution.

A formal procedure must also include an appeals process to ensure procedural fairness.

Training and Further Information

Training in handling complaints may be useful for clubs, directors and administrators.

The Australian Sports Commission has a comprehensive, free Complaints Handling on-line training course at