November Newsletter

Good Afternoon Campers,

Another report from the Committee frontline. Good news, this month things are really starting to improve. We are pleased that numbers for regular sessions are gradually increasing and the Red Point events are bringing back members we have not seen since March, welcome compadres, get behind me lounge.  ( I think I just typed a Dad joke!) We might also see an easing on the restrictions regarding COVID 19 physical distancing in the near future too. Re Virus Horribilis, the community centre now has a "QR" code at the front on entering, that you can choose to use with your phone to record details. If you don't use this contact tracing information must still be written in the book. A small dilemma faced by the Committee is whether we try and snaffle the Seniors Room for more sessions even though we don't currently have the numbers or take a chance for the future - if we book it we also have to  pay for it - any thoughts?

One of the recent standout events held in November was the Melbourne Cup Pairs. While much more restrained than in previous years apparently it was a great day. A big shout out to Ian and Blair, two of our very new members. (Sorry guys you need to play three times a week for a minimum of five years not to be a new player, one year does not count).  The lads donned jockey silks to organise the sweep on the day, mucho stylish.

The GNOT event was also a great day, while winners cannot go on this year to further compete  it was a great day, particularly  as gold points for most of us are up there with collecting unicorn horns.

The transition to new management of the Centre is now almost complete. This has been fairly smooth for us so far with the only changes at this time being the need to purchase a Wi-Fi “hot-spot” device and data with our internet ceasing when the Council took over and having to now employ our own cleaner. It looks like both potential problems have been resolved already!  As mentioned previously, (I think) we are also taking the opportunity to update some of our computer systems; these include the website - Peter has been trialling a much easier to use program, so be prepared to see photos of our winners coming back, databases and email systems. We are hoping to integrate these in a more secure and manageable way. (As Secretary that day cannot come too soon!)

The preparations for the Christmas Party are pretty much bedded down at this point, both the arrangements for the morning's Bridge and lunch. It was great to see Christine’s novice players getting together in the morning to compete (thank you SOOOO much to Robyn Serra for accommodating them) then joining us for lunch. A REMINDER – if you have specific food requests, intolerances or need a plant-based meal could you email Peter Hume ASAP.

Now for a Public Service type announcement! We all know that Bridge attracts all kinds of different people, quiet/ loud, extravert/introvert, intense/relaxed with a mutual love (or loathing) of the game. Another mutual trait should be a respect for other members at the Club. Players of all levels are becoming much more comfortable, we hope, about calling the Director for “technical difficulties” at the table – happened to me yesterday when I led out of turn. However, other forms of behaviour are also not acceptable. This can vary from “unsporting conduct” to just plain rude behaviour.   So, if this happens to you what do you do? If it occurs when playing you can call the Director and explain or have a quiet word to them at the end of the session, but, what you may not know is all Bridge Clubs also have a position within the Club called “the Recorder”. It is their job to look at, investigate and act on members' concerns then obviously “record” the details. This recording allows them to see if it was a one-off incident (someone had a really bad day) or repeated behaviour. Alternatively, you can email the details to the Committee to be addressed. If you are very upset, and sometimes you can feel quite shaken, we also have a Club Welfare and Pastoral Care Officer to have a chat with. The main thing is we do not want any member to feel unhappy at anything (apart from the Bridge!) that might happen at the club. At the end of the day, beloved or not, it is just a game.  More information about our Code of Conduct and the Recorder can be found on the website.