October Newsletter

Hello Champions, greetings from your Committee.

I hope you all continue to be well in these times of pestilence and enjoying this perfect “stay inside and play Bridge weather”.  There is a mixed bag of things happening at the Club, COVID 19 restrictions continue to impact on playing numbers but we are pleased to see that they are gradually creeping up. The option of being able to play two “separate activities” in the one room has also made it easier if we do not have access to the Seniors Room. A big shout out to the Directors for often having to juggle two different movements and then combine them to get a single result.


-          There is going to be a quieter Melbourne Cup event held on Tuesday the 3rd of November. In order to watch the event, the session will start EARLY at 12.00, Drinks will be provided but you will need to bring your own nibbles. Sweeps will be held too!

-          A local GNOT event is being held at the Club on the 4th of November – entries have now been closed as fully subscribed.

-          The Red point week went well, we were thrilled to see the return of some players who had not been back to the club since March – Congratulations to the winners. A similar week of “high rolling” will be run in the first week of December – our own    “Salute to Summer”.

-          We are sad to announce that the Community Centre Management will be leaving soon and control of the Centre returning to the Council.  The ladies at the Centre  have been very supportive of the Club over the years and we wish them well. Peter and Lynne met with a Council representative and it appears that rental-wise costs will be similar but the breakdown allocations slightly different. There will also be no Council staff assigned to the Centre – the reception etc will be looked after by volunteers, so changes are most likely afoot, including the need to organise cleaning and wifi access.

-          On financial matters, we are currently running a slight loss following payouts of some back rent, but as said above player numbers are improving. The tap and go payment system is going well now with very good acceptance by members.

-          Temperatures continue to be taken on entry; a member raised concerns over another player being allowed in following an initial high temp recording after a second test was within the normal range. It was found that the thermometer “beeps” (signaling an alert) at a lower temperature than is required, this has been recalibrated. The Committee decided it is not unreasonable to allow a member to be re-tested after a short break to allow for [example], cooling down if hot outside or short temp spike such as “ladies of ä certain age” may experience. The reader (thermometer) should also consider other aspects such as cough, looking unwell etc. These are testing times (!) so we are attempting to balance adherence to full COVID precautions and some common-sense, that said please, if you do feel uncomfortable or note potential breaches of safety protocols pass these on to the committee, and if feeling unwell err on the side of caution and stay home. 

-          Peter and Graham Woof are working hard on updating our technology so keep an eye out for changes on the website! (Today's bulletin is a simple email though as I’m going back to  bed to read my book, working through the entire Ngaio Marsh back catalogue – no judgements!)  

Finally, on a positive note and something else to look forward to, we are trying to organise the Christmas party for the club. Last year we had very positive feedback from the day held at the Diggers Club in Ettalong. A survey was sent out and we have had around 40 members respond that they would like to attend, it will be Bridge in the morning followed by lunch with the most likely date the 7th of December. If you would like to go (the cost is estimated to be around $30 for the day) please get back to us soon, just reply to this email. 

Keep healthy and safe,


Tracey (Secretary)